Evolution of Hacking : Hacking is the process of achieving access to a computer or computer network without legal authorization. It is the most common activity amongst teenagers and young adults. Many hackers are keen to learn about computers and consider hacking as an art. They want to build programs to display their problem solving skills and not to harm others.
A hacker first tries their skills on easy targets and then after successful professional attacks on more secured sites. Their goal is to have complete access on any computer so that they can delete, edit or comply any files or directory and also can install any program.
Types of Hackers : There are various types of computer hackers that all have different malicious intent. It's important to know these different types of hackers so you can properly defend your data.The term hacker is a generic term to describe attackers. Not all have intent to steal your data. Below is a list of various types of hackers.
White Hat : White hat has the skills to break into computer systems and do damage. However, they use their skills to help organizations. For example a white hat might work for an organization to test for security weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the network.
Grey Hat : This type can be thought of as a white hat attacker who sometimes acts unethically. They could be employed as a legit network security administrator. But, during this person's duties, he may find an opportunity for gaining access to company data and stealing that data.
Black Hat : Black Hat also known as a cracker uses his skills to break into computer systems for unethical reasons. For example, steal user data like, username and password, credit card numbers, bank information.
Phreaker : A phreaker is simply a hacker of telecommunications. An example of this is tricking the phone system into letting you make free long distance calls.
Script Kiddy : A Script Kiddy is someone who lacks the skills of a typical hacker. They rely on downloading hacking programs or utilities sometimes calls scripts to perform an attack.
Hacktivist : This is a person with political motivations, such as someone defacing a website and leaving messages on the hacked site for the world to see.
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