About HTML :
5. Once you have the file open in the browser you can continue to edit the file in whatever editor you are using. When you make changes you want to see, save the file, return to your browser and refresh the page. Using this method you can easily play with the new code you have learned.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Its been around for along time, and will be around for a lot longer as it continues to grow (HTML5 – Which I hope we will eventually get to.) HTML can be edited in any plain text editor (i.e. Notepad). I prefer Notepad++. You just need to make sure you save the file with the .html or .htm extension.HTML Tags
HTML uses “tags” such as <html> which web browers are able to read to produce web pages.
Here is the basic structure of an HTML file:
<title>This is a Basic HTML Page</title>
<title>This is a Basic HTML Page</title>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph. </p>
Notice that the tags that were used have opening and closing tags: <html> </html> Closing tags have a forward slash in them. (like this: </body>)
Also notice that all the tags are in lower case letters.
<html> </html> : This tag tells the browser where to begin reading the html and where it ends.
<head> </head> : This is the header tag. Information placed in the tag is used by the browser for several things. One tag you will find in the head tag is the: <title> tag.
<title> </title> : This tag use used to display the title of your page at the top left of you browser window.
<body> </body> : Inside this tag is where all the main content of your page will go.
<head> </head> : This is the header tag. Information placed in the tag is used by the browser for several things. One tag you will find in the head tag is the: <title> tag.
<title> </title> : This tag use used to display the title of your page at the top left of you browser window.
<body> </body> : Inside this tag is where all the main content of your page will go.
<h1> </h1> This is a heading one tag. You use it to create a heading.
(There is also h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 they get progressively smaller.)
<p> </p> This is a paragraph tag. This is where you will place text you wish to display to the browser.
<p> </p> This is a paragraph tag. This is where you will place text you wish to display to the browser.
Obviously this is the absolute basics of HTML. But if you have never played with it, I encourage you to open up notepad or download notepad++ and play with these basic tags.
Here is how:1. Open Notepad or Notepad++.
2. Create some simple HTML using the basic structure above. (you can even copy and paste starting at the opeing <html> tag to the closing </html>
3. Make sure you save the file as a *.html or *.htm file. (And save it somewhere easy to find.)
4. Open the file in your browser by either using FILE –> open or you can simple drag and drop the file into most browsers.
5. Once you have the file open in the browser you can continue to edit the file in whatever editor you are using. When you make changes you want to see, save the file, return to your browser and refresh the page. Using this method you can easily play with the new code you have learned.
know more about HTML......
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